Get notified of everything important

Get alerts for fees, suspicious activity, and budget overspending. Plus, we'll send you a summary that shows you how you’re doing week to week.

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Avoid unnecessary expenses

Get alerts prior to the bill due date or when one of your spending categories is almost over its limit. Detect fees and boost your credit score.

Fee alerts

Get notified when you get hit with a fee.

Over budget

Get warnings when you’re exceeding your budgets.

Unusual spending

If there are large or suspicious transactions, we’ll let you know right away.

Bill reminders

Have bill reminders sent to your mobile phone or email to help you pay on time.

Flexible notification management

We understand that sometimes receiving too many notifications and emails can be overwhelming. That’s why we give you the flexibility to manage your communication preferences with us.

If you feel that you no longer need to receive notifications or emails from us, you can easily turn them off anytime.

Sign up for PocketGuard today

From fee alerts and notifications to anti-fraud monitoring and more. Guard your money with PocketGuard.