Most Americans know that their credit score is important, but many of us don’t know enough about how it’s calculated, what it’s used for, or how to manage it. That’s
Most Americans know that their credit score is important, but many of us don’t know enough about how it’s calculated, what it’s used for, or how to manage it. That’s
When people start making financial investments with their money they usually want to find something that has a low-risk profile and a steady rate of return. After all, it’s a
The new year is rapidly approaching so it’s time to start making resolutions for 2024. There are a lot of ideas to choose from depending on your personal circumstances, from
Did you also make a resolution that you’ll start saving money in 2023? Well, the first step towards this goal is to figure out how to start living frugally. Here
Microfinancing and poverty alleviation are two important issues that deserve attention. The microfinancing gateway can give individuals a head start with their enterprise. In addition, microfinance can help people access
Know the Score As a student, you need to focus on your financial literacy and on your academic performance. A recent survey found that only 65% of the students taking loans actually
While considering filing for bankruptcy you have probably discovered some bankruptcy myths. They can be pretty confusing and some of the answers you search can even be confusing. Everyone Will
When most people think about a second or after-school job, they usually consider taking on a retail position at their local big-box store or picking up a few hours as
Financial insecurity and the struggle to live according to a certain standard can erode your confidence in your financial situation. In financially vulnerable households and among young adults, low financial
Ideally, the holiday season should be all about giving. Realistically, however, — well, it’s still all about giving, just not exclusively in the merriest sense of the word… Buying gifts, decorations and